30 May


Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering practices, innovation techniques, entrepreneurship and human factors to provide value-adding solutions to complex Mechanical Engineering challenges.

This program outcome is about using the skills that the student acquired from problem solving techniques in mechanical engineering challenges that requires to use the knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering practices. My evidence for this program outcome is in Mechanical Vibration test. Here I have used the mathematics knowledge to solve the problems that is stated in the questions as in Appendix 1 The next evident is from Properties Application and Materials (PAM) module shown in Appendix 2 where I was required to solve an issues or problem using the formulas and equations depending on mathematics, science and engineering practices that I was needed to find the strength of materials to determine whether it can withstand the force acting or not. And then needed to find the best solutions to improve it.

Appendix 1 – Mechanical Vibration test questions

Appendix 2 – PAM Impact test lab report

Self-Assessment : 4/5


Identify, formulate, analyse and document complex engineering challenges to arrive at viable solutions and substantiated conclusions.

This outcomes shows the relation between identifying the problem and analyse it by formulate an equation or a method to document it and that will reach to a solution to overcome the problems. And then a conclusion is made to translate the mathematical equation that is formulated to make others to understand when they refer to the related report. From this the non-engineer people will have an understanding of why the equation is used for and what is the conclusion determined. The example that is achieved for this program outcome is from Automatic Control module. Here I have learn how to simplify the block diagram using mathematical method as first I identified the graph and the equation provided then formulate own equation using formula and then find the solution and later on relate to the graph. The next evidence is from Final Year Project 1 that I have made a research for the strength of fabricated lattice structure corn husk reinforced with polystyrene as first I identify what was the question needed then formulate a formula for strength for each lattice structure and then analyse whether I used the formula by using try and error method and then document it in the proposal of the report.

Appendix 1 – Automatic control test

Appendix 2 – FYP 1 proposal

Self-Assessment : 3/5


Conduct research and investigation into complex challenges using methods which include experiment design, analysis of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.

This program outcome is about researching information and conduct experiment to investigate into complex challenges by analyzing the data that we have gotten from the experiment. One of my evident is from Hardness lab testing report as in Appendix 1. Here I have done my experiment to show which material are having highest strength using the material and machines that lab is prepared. By using a theoretical calculation, we have made comparison with experimental data and have gotten result it has a percentage of 40.6%. The material that we used here is aluminium, copper, brass, and mild steel. From the percentage we have gotten we have come to a conclusion that the experimental data is more accurate than theoretical data. Another evident in Appendix 2 from Impact Experiment lab report, that here we used laboratory equipment that is Charpy Impact Tester to find the impact data for different properties of carbon content specimen with temperature varied. From here we have exposed to manual equipment that is used to test instead of just using simulation method. In conclude from this experiment we have found out the ductility and brittle of the material used. As from this two experiment, I have learned to analyse the complex challenges using experiment method to find out the solutions depending on data captured. This helps me in my future lab report to induce more information to support my data where to perform open-ended experiments.

Appendix 1 - Hardness Lab Report

Appendix 2 – Impact Experiment Lab Report

Self-Assessment : 3/5


Recognize the importance of lifelong learning and engaging in continuous professional development activities in accordance with technological change.

This outcomes is about recognizing the importance of lifelong learning and engaging in continuous professional development (CPD) activities by always update the current tech knowledge to make improvement in future use. CPD is achieved with research and with an interest to discover new technology advancement that are available in this era especially in my field of learning. I have applied the knowledge of CPD in Mechanical Engineering Group Project where I researched all about the solar panel cleaning method to find an efficient way to clean by using no water and renewable energy. And from the research I have to come to know that there are a lot of ways to clean with different machines and robot but there is nothing is applied in our country therefore I and my team proposed an idea and this shows in Appendix 1 from the report. In addition, I have implied the CPD in FYP project that I have researched about the latest composite that are available in the world today and I have got to know that Styrofoam wastes are a lot in garbage landfills, instead of throwing away, we can recycle the Styrofoam using the technology that’s available now. And using of corn husk as a fibre material for a composite can increase the chance of durability to a product as it is Appendix 2, initial proposal of the FYP project.

Appendix 1 - MEGP 1 literature review 1 and literature review 2

Appendix 2 – Initial Proposal of FYP1

Self-Assessment : 2/5

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