30 May


Function effectively as an individual and in multidisciplinary settings with the capacity to be a leader.

This program outcome here is about to enhance the power of working as a single person effort to contribute to everyone’s benefit and success to improve the life of others with a knowledge to be a leader in different paramount that is required to be. A module that are relating to this outcome is all the design module for instance in the CDIO module as I was helped the team with a best design with a lot of research about the autonomous car trace tracker. The design have helped the team to finish the project earlier. This shows in Appendix 1 the design of the robot and the actual robot. Next module that is related to this PO is Introduction in Electronics (IE) that I have done the breadboard circuit to define the logic gate working system, this was done with a knowledge that I have learn from that module and my team members helped to explain the working system to the lecturer.

Appendix 1 – CDIO robot design with picture of actual robot

Appendix 2 – IE assignment

Self-Assessment : 4/5


Effectively communicate complex engineering activities, both orally and in a written form, in both technical & non-technical contexts.

This PO is about how to be able to communicate the engineering task in written form as well as orally that is from presentation and discussion based to be able to perform or explain the task throughout. The explanation that is needed to be making the lecturers and people to ask intrigued to ask about and also get an understanding for those people that have no idea what is the project about as this happened in Engineering Fair. Engineering fair is the place that University provided for students to proposed the invention and this helps the students in future for example when later on you will have to convince a buyer, sponsor or even the manager at work about the design that you have made, and this can ruin the good chance of getting acceptation from them if you don’t have the proper communications. The module that support this PO is Mechanical Engineering Group Project (MEGP) from the engineering fair presentation slides as in Appendix 1. We have made a presentation slides to make the judges and people to understand the project more and we support it with posters to shows what the progress of the project was. As we present we have answer some questions from the judges to support the design that we have made. From here, I have learned that communication is main key point to support the design that we proposing because a buyer, sponsor or even manager sees and hears our project need to be intrigued to buy our product in future.

Appendix 1 – MEGP presentation slides

Self-Assessment : 3/5


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