Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate solutions for complex engineering challenges that meet specified requirements with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, environmental and economical considerations.
This outcomes has been implemented for most of engineering projects module where we had to build a working product with approach of CDIO technique where the steps follows by brainstorming the ideas in team, then detail plan with a confirmation of design and next implement the design and lastly operate the working product. And the main purpose of this project module is to take consideration with safety of public use, environmental factors and economical ways. This can be shown from my Engineering Design and Innovation report as in Appendix 1. Here shows that we have went through all the CDIO expectations and came with a working prototype that is an exchangeable orthotic shoe heels. This is for the person that have flat feet to have style on shoes with heels that is exchangeable. Furthermore another evidence to show I have achieve it is from Multidisciplinary Engineering Design module that can evident from Proposal as in Appendix 2.
Appendix 1 - Engineering Design and Innovation report
Appendix 2 - Multidisciplinary Engineering Design proposal
Self-Assessment : 5/5
Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex engineering activities, with an awareness of the accompanying assumptions and limitations.
This program outcome has been implemented to create, select and apply appropriate techniques to find the results as to support the objectives of a problem. The advantage of loop process using simulation from the IT tools will reduce the cost of using the physical product and find the way to improve it until the maximum extend of a product. This is shows in Numerical Analysis for Engineers with Applications using ANSYS subject, here I have done the simulation of shoe heels for the design project to find out the safety factor of the heels as it need to be in less weight too as it is assignment in Appendix 1. More over this outcomes can be proved from my MATLAB software where coding of task that is need to be translated into codes as gives computers to read it and do the next task. As the shows in assignment in MATLAB that I have design a coding that is needed to type in the number of number plate and to find out the car is allowed to go in or not. If the car can go in the software need to give instruction to proceed if not shows you are not allowed as this shows in Appendix 2. From this program outcome I have learned how to use the IT software tech to analyse the problem in easier way and I find it fun because of the challenge that I went through to understand how software works.
Appendix 1 - ANSYS assignment
Appendix 2 – MATLAB assignment
Self-Assessment : 4/5