30 May


Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, economical and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.

This PO is related about applying to reasoning to assess societal, health and issues that will occur in engineering firm. The responsibility of all Professional Engineer needed to know how to assess the problem with a knowledge depending by the law. A module that is related to this PO is Professional Engineering Society (PES). Here I have learned about the laws that is needed in societal, health, safety and legal that is compulsory needed to know by a Professional Engineer to take responsibility to all action of the company working on. This shows in Appendix 1 as in PES test 1. Another module that is related to this is Mechanical Engineering Group Project 1 (MEGP1). In this module I have learned to relate the economical, health and safety issues to come with a best design to overcome all the problem related to the project given that is Solar Panel Cleaning Robot. I and my team design a robot that the human energy is not needed as it is an autonomous cleaning robot and this will save the money for labour cost. This shows in Appendix 2 as in MEGP1 report.

Appendix 1 – PES test 1

Appendix 2 - Mechanical Engineering Group Project 1 (MEGP1)

Self-Assessment : 2/5

PO7 - Explain the global impact of professional engineering solutions in societal, economical and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.

This PO discuss about how a professional engineer solutions having a big important role in the all level of sustainable development as for the societal, economical and environmental factors and  needed to demonstrated with the knowledge. This is applied in Mechanical Engineering Group Project 1 and 2 module that is a literature review is made to understand how the issues are effecting the society and what the impacts are if we did not improve or develop its problem in future. Same as the Professional Engineering duties, as I am as a student required to apply my knowledge in a Solar Panel farm that the project is required to find the right method of cleaning that will change the idea of cleaning to an easy method and by improving the economy of Malaysia. This have make me to get experience by exposing to real life problems same as the Professional Engineer needed to do. This shows in literature review as in Appendix 1.

Appendix 1 - MEGP 1 literature review

Self-Assessment : 5/5


Apply professional and ethical responsibilities of engineering practice.

This PO shows that the application of professional and ethical responsibilities of engineering practice are really required in future use when you are in work especially for professional engineers. This is an important part that needed to have to control the reputation of an engineer and can control the ethical behavior of an engineer to work in peaceful environment without any conflicts. The professionalism of an engineer determine a big role as it specifies the decision they are making because we think an professional qualified engineer can be trusted compared to normal people and this makes them to have high responsibility if anything happens. As this can be proven from Industrial Training that I have went through with this responsibilities. My manager have given me a project that I need to be lead with that project. The project is went with my lead with labour worker and the manufacturing manager. I was needed to be full responsible when anything goes wrong as I was needed to use my skills for the project. Ethical view of the project is that I was needed to communicate the labour politely even thou they were not answering my questions and following my order. This can be proved from the logbook for industrial training in Appendix 1.

Appendix 1 – Industrial training logbook

Self-Assessment : 4/5


Effectively manage projects in multidisciplinary environments and apply project management tools and techniques to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team to satisfy stakeholder’s requirements.

This is an outcome that is about how well I manage the projects by using the project management tools that I have studied to work effectively. By being a member or leader in a team I have to use the tools to get the result as the lecturer expected. This can be seen in every group project that I have worked on with my team. For example the management that we were used is swot analysis tools as every time start a new project and as we know what is the positives and negatives attribute me and my each team member have as the evidence is in Appendix 1 for Innovation presentation. The next module that is related to this outcome is Managing Project for Success as here I have learned numerous of tools that can be used depending on the project and this can be applied in future use in real life situations as the stakeholder required to do. This shows in Appendix 2 in managing report. This outcome that I have gotten from these two module have helped me in various way when worked as an intern.

Appendix 1 – Innovation presentation

Appendix 2 – Managing Project for Success report

Self-Assessment : 3/5

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